NDIS Participants

NDIS Participants

In education there is a strong emphasis placed on visual and auditory instruction. But what if your student has auditory processing issues? What if their eyes are sensitive to the lighting and as a result they struggle to focus on the page in front of them? What if they are unable to vocalise their answers, or struggle with the fine motor skills required to hold a pencil?

Multisensory techniques are frequently used for students with learning differences.

Our programs provide the student with explicit training using a systematic and sequential approach to learning the structure of language, listening, speaking, reading, writing all taught together, using all the senses to enhance the student’s memory and learning.

We can provide assistance with:

  • speech
  • severe apraxia/articulation disorders
  • language disorders/aphasia of varying degrees
  • language and learning difficulties
  • dyslexia and dyscalculia
  • attention deficit disorders with and without hyperactivity in conjunction with coexisting language learning disabilities
  • autism/PDD
  • CAPD


Learning with a smile.
A chance for individuals to shine.

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