Figtree, NSW 2525
5/34 Princes Hwy
Corrimal NSW 2518
6/104 Railway St
Mon to Sat 9:00am to 7:30pm
Your Orders
Bright Smiles School Readiness Program works to support the transition to “big school”.
Through play, semi-structured activities and built-in routines, your child will have opportunities to engage in activities that develop an understanding of:
The sounds of the alphabet are introduced using an exclusive program designed by Bright Smiles Director Gabrielle Ninness. The program is based on the book “Bright Smiles ABC’s”. The book is filled with Australian quirky characters using visual mnemonics to assist learning.
Sessions run for one hour per week and are filled with fun, engaging and multisensory activities.
It is with great pleasure that we write this testimonial about Bright Smiles Multisensory Learning Centre. We feel so fortunate to have found Gabby to assist our daughter with her learning. After years of struggling with reading and spelling, Gabby’s multisensory learning strategies have resulted in her making amazing progress in the few months that she has been seeing her. Her teachers have commented on the improvements that they have seen. Her improvements have also given her more confidence and she has developed a greater love of reading and is so happy that she can now read books that she enjoys independently. Gabby has a wonderful way of relating to her students and motivating them to learn. My daughter is always eager to learn and looks forward to seeing Gabby each week.
We started going to see Gabby midway through last year. In just a short period of time both spelling and vocabulary improved and a better understanding of the principles in maths that were previously found confusing. Our household refers to Gabby as the secret weapon. The boost in confidence and willingness to learn has by far been the best reward.